Thursday, December 02, 2004

Then Now and After

Nov 18 - Dec 2, only these many days, but whats been life upto? As KP invited me, a sense of self pity rose within behind the veiled smile - his act was cocking a snooke at all I had planned, at all I had hoped for. The grind was no more so simulating, a trip to home didn't ease matters and then happened - yesterday. Emoticons they sell on every other page, such frivolity of human mind should be punished, for they know not their JAVA scripts trivialize the spectrum of heart. "I am ok" and you follow it up with a smile, either I've completely lost it or you must be joking Mr. S. Its not OB to reiterate the fashionable I'm Ok- u r Ok trivialization of sentiments. We live in hard times, we need to see through the facade be it from the sound the pebble makes when it hits the surface of water or be it sentences which are used without any thought. It shall ease out and the proverbial true calling will manifest itself right here, right in our midst - but it shall take time and we have no choice to bid our share of it. I should not love langauge, it hurts and wounds and leaves me with no explainations when people seek answers to questions they create. Helpless and tired I sit, staring at a screen which reads - Compassion denotes deep awareness of the suffering of another and the wish to relieve it: “Compassion is not weakness, and concern for the unfortunate is not socialism” (Hubert H. Humphrey).

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