Friday, December 17, 2004

Implicit did someone say

Indian culture is implicit. Sweeping statement to pass, but how often have we encountered a situation when those whom we hold very close to ourselves were expected to understand that wink, that little snigger, .... those eyes which were on the very verge of watering? The closer an individual is; the lesser the need for words, come to think of it language seems to be a proxy to communicate only with the 'outsiders'. Someone said,"Its far easier to plough in sand, but nothing grows, on the other hand try ploughing in clay and you've had it..." We, the humans in more ways than one lie in this spectrum from sand to clay. Everyone would want to believe that he/she is on terra firma vis a vis needed and appreciated communication, but it seldom happens beyond the formal/social gatherings. Later laddie...gotta go

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congrats kartik....nice to hear about u after a long time