Got up with a start - The inferal tel was at it again. A potpourri of messages from every which direction. M gets to hobnob with N, PT reports a slight hitch in the meet they had today with the Vada, a missed call from the Malviya stables, MNK with a Q - "When r u ever available?", and we managed to miss the HR meet, so much for the management we seem to be picking up with every passing second. People are hard pressed for time so much so that a 10 minute transit's due opportunity cost is calculated, parametrized and more often than not found vey very high.
Its easing on, on me. The pace has slackened, no not from the other end!! Its just that if one were to hit the road running the ensuing events would turn out to be that much more comforting than hitting it rock solid. Have to tell V about it, can't bring myself to his candid levels here, there still seems to be that feeling of standing put in the middle of a cross with traffic going very slow all around you, always prepared to come to a halt if u were to make a single move.